Home / Shows / Borderline(s) investigations / Borderline(s) Investigation #2

Borderline(s) Investigation #2

Practical solutions to the problems at hand
Création 2022
Work in progress

The new public report of the Group for Research and Action in Limitology (GRAL) will be about limits and boundaries, feedback loops, exobiology and space agriculture, “influence machines”, and physical assignments.
After tackling the theme of ecological and civilizational collapse, and having questioned the disappearance of the Greenland Vikings (Borderline(s) Investigation #1 created in November 2018), Frédéric Ferrer will be working on the second part of this diptych on the limits and frontiers of the world. This show, Borderline(s) Investigation #2, produced with the same creative team as the first, will offer a shift in perspective, in order to move from the universal to the individual, from global to local, from civilization as a whole to the subject, from the development choices that societies make to the question of the body and the living bodies onto which these choices are imposed. The show’s writing will be based on scientific research work in micro-geography, biology, exobiology, ecology, and medicine, in order to question the limits of living things on the scale of beings (human and non-human).

Next dates




Le ZEF - Scène nationale

Duration : 1h40
From 15 years old

Written by : Frédéric Ferrer
Dramaturgy and research : Clarice Boyriven
With Karina Beuthe Orr, Clarice Boyriven, Guarani Feitosa, Frédéric Ferrer, Hélène Schwartz
General management and construction : Paco Galan
Sound and projection : Vivian Demard
Suits : Anne Buguet
Production - Diffusion - Art Outreach : Floriane Fumey
Administration : Flore Lepastourel
Communication : Sophie Charpentier

Notices and credits

Production : Vertical Détour
Coproductions : La Villette (75), Théâtre Durance, scène conventionnée (04)
Partnership: du Vaisseau – fabrique artistique au Centre de Réadaptation de Coubert (77)
This show benefited from the program «Résidence d’auteurs en impesanteur» de l’Observatoire de l’Espace, le laboratoire arts-sciences du CNES.

La compagnie Vertical Détour est conventionnée par la région Île-de-France et la DRAC Île-de-France – Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication. Elle est en résidence au Centre de Réadaptation de Coubert – établissement de l’UGECAM Île-de-France)

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